Mt Arthur

Hike with Craig up Mt. Arthur. Was less brutal than the past hikes and had great views all around.


Via Ferrata

I went with JJ to the Via Ferrata Takaka Hill near Motueka. It was super awesome and we did two laps as it took about 20-30 min a lap and we drove 3 hours.


X Race

Rachel and Oscar did the x-race where a parent and kid run through 10 odd challenges through the park. One was a Lego so Oscar killed it.


Mt. Sunday and Mt. Riley

Craig and I hiked up Mt. Sunday and Mt. Riley at 6am to avoid the heat. The way up was nice with some rock scrambling and goats. The way down was brutal per the range.


Mt Roberston

Redemption on Mt. Robertson with Craig. Skipped my gila monster juice for a day and wasn’t dizzy or nauseated on way up, was able to eat and no throwing up. No view from top, but those are overrated.


Mt Fishtail

Hike up Fishtail with Craig. Was super nauseated from the gila monster venom, had to stop quite frew times and even threw up near the top. We stopped at the hut as I felt like poo and it was cloudy. Which means we will have to go back to hit the actual summit. The river at the end was nice to soak in.


Christmas 2024

For Christmas we had BBQ, a waterfight, and then a trip up to Lochmara the next day.


Hanmer Springs

Trey, Mary, and Simone came over to NZ and we went down to Hanmer Springs with them to rides the slides.


The Ned

Hiked the Ned with the tramping club and Craig. It was uber hot out and I got some level of heat exhaustion and had my heartrate pegged above 160, resting about 40 higher than normal. The top of scramble was cool though.
