No one else was up at the saddle so I spent my time walking around the ice and napping in my tent. Come nightfall there was no wind and I was able to get in some night shots for a timelapse movie below.
Woke up early on Monday as my watch is set an hour fast for summer hours. I burned through the rest of my fuel melting water for oatmeal and hot cocoa. After packing up I headed over to the top of the Palmer, wistfully watching others climb up to the summit. I got to the ski lifts a little before the sun rose and it was already 38 degrees. I wondered why people were heading up so late, but to each their own. On my way down, sliding out of control mind you, the temperature went up into the mid fifties. Then on the drive down to the valley it dipped back down into the high twenties, very funky.
Panoramic Photos