Overnight Tree Climb

My parents got Ingrid and I a night camping in the trees with Pacific Tree Climbing Institute (PTCI), outside of Eugene. We met up with the guides Rob and Jason around 5 to get a tour of the tree where we'd be staying. The tree was quite large and over 240 feet tall with lots of moss, like a normal tree. Another couple was there and seemed as psyched as we were. The PTCI manager and chef Debbie made us awesome dinner and dessert (marionberry pie) before we headed up the ropes.

We jumared up the static lines to the 'tree boats' where we'd sleep at 100 feet. After looking around a bit the guides took us up to near the top of the tree at 220 feet to watch the sunset. It was super cool to hang out in the tree top with the breeze and the birds. As the sun was going down we rappelled down to the boats and settled in for the night in our sleeping bags in the beds. As we went to sleep the wind picked up and moved the tree around quite a bit - we were very lucky, it normally doesn't happen.

After listening to the creatures break branches on the ground in the night, Rob and Jason made us coffee and tea in the morning. We had hot scented towels to rinse off the pitch from our faces (though butter or mayo works better apparently). We said goodbye to the limbs and rappelled down to earth to a kickass breakfast by Debbie.
