Mt. Pisgah for fun and Oscar’s birthday celebration.
Deschutes River Gravel Ride
Took my skinny tires up to Deschutes River for an easy gravel bikepacking ride. Easy ride up the gravel road to a camp site near the river. Most sites are used by rafters and the bugs that come out at dusk. A train rolls through the night, which is pretty cool even if you’re woken up. I ate a bunch of undercooked steel-cut oats and glided back down to the car. Was definitely worth lugging up a tripod for night shots and a chair for sitting down. I brought extra chocolate chip cookies for the skunk that broke into my bag to eat my treats.
Mt Adams with Trey & Dan
Trey and I had plan to camp on summit of Mt. Adams, like South Sister last month. Our fitness told us it was not to be. Dan caught up to us at Lunch Counter (9300’). We made camp and slept in warm tent and bags.
Next day was normal trudge up the south side. We put rocks in Dan’s pack and hoped for the best. I raced him at the top and just threw up a lung onto the snow. The down is alway awesome. Wrapped it up with burgers and shakes at the cafe.
South Sister with Trey
Trey and I trudged up South Sister to bivy on the summit. We got there way past dark and it was chilly as I saved 6oz by leaving the tent fly in the car. I might’ve burned a hole in my sock trying to dry it out, so I stole Trey’s socks for the next day. The summit sunrise was spectacular as expected and requested.