KWC Wine Ride

Ingrid and I did a wine ride for her team KWC down near Newberg. The weather, road and people were awesome.

Day ride to Condon

I took a day ride over to Condon via backroads and got in great rides.

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Ingrid's 2nd cross race (I've since retired again) out in the Gorge in the heat.

Enchanted Valley

Sara and I spent a long weekend camping in the Enchanted Valley up in the Olympics. It was a beautiful 13 mile hike up a gradual slope into the valley itself.

Before heading in we chatted with the campground host and were introduced to a new mosquito repellant - immitation vanilla extract. He's been using it for years and works for him. It was nice to use something other than DEET that made us smeel nice. I escaped the bugs with only a few bits, which is on par with the chemicals.

We spent two nights in the Valley with a day trip up to Anderson Pass (4500'). The hike went through a few avalanche debris fields that were awesome to see. We booked out early on Sunday to avoid the heat and make it back to the lodge for grub and grass sitting.

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MS Ride

Ingrid and I went down to Monmouth Oregon to partake in the MS Ride. We were invited onto the Point B team, which was very cool. Everyone on our team and in the whole ride was super friendly and genuine. The first day was the "longer" day, with 30, 60, 90 and 100 mile courses. We did our own hybrid 30/60 mile ride ending with 40 miles. The course was really nice, great markings showing you turns and excellent roads with very little traffic. That night we were pretty tired and went to bed as soon as the finish line music ended. The second day was the "shorter" day with 35 and 50 mile courses. We did the 35 mile ride with Ingrid's friend Heidi and her man. The course was great again, though with a headwind for the first half. Which meant we had a tail wind for the second half of the ride, allowing us to get in consistent speeds of 24mph. We banged the 35 miles out in just over 2 hours. It was a fun weekend, meeting new people and getting in good rides. I think we'll head back next year.


Mt. Adams with Trey


The day after my solo up Mt. Adams I went back up with Trey, as he wanted to get in a one day climb of Adams. We left a little after 5am so we could hit the snow right and skip carrying a headlamp (5oz in weight makes a difference you know.)

There were at least a hundred people on the mountain, most of which I'm sure we passed on the way up. Trey blitzed the last few hundred feet to the top of Pikers Peak and got up there a few minutes before me, hopefully getting awesome photos of me sucking Os. A few people were close to keeping up with us on the way up, so I knocked them down with my axe and trudged on.
We got great views of Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson and some of the Three Sisters. No more clouds and thick haze!


The conditions were perfect for glissading and we started from the top and slid down anything that wasn't flat. Time back to car was just around 7 hours, pretty good considering my pace slowing us down.


Another succesful climb of Mt. Adams with perfect weather and snow conditions.

