Dog Mountain in June

Ingrid and I went up Dog Mountain with our two dogs, and a few hundred other people and their dogs. The weather was awesome and the views perfect, the flowers were in bloom and smelled great.


New dummy lights for moto

I got some new LED dummy lights for the Triumph so I can see neutral and the other signals when the sun is out. They are super bright and were pretty easy to put in after re-reading the instructions 10 times.

Sara's Cabin to Relax

Ingrid and I went to relax with Sara up at her cabin for the weekend. We had 2 hours of blazing sun and the rest with rain, I think that was our summer.


Honeymoon pictures

More honeymoon pictures in Joshua Tree, Disneyland, Jerome Az and Sedona Az.




Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree at night


Ingrid and I took off down to Arizona, Nevada and California for our honeymoon roadtrip for two weeks to see the sun.

Sara, MaryAnn and Nabe

Sara's sister MaryAnn was in Portland for a workshop and crashed at our place. Sara came down to hang out as well, so we celebrated with Nabe.

Dog Mountain with boots

Ingrid and I hiked up Dog Mountain as it was to be a sunny day. I went up in my new mountaineering boots which made it difficult to keep up with Ingrid on the steep dirt. Once we got to snow it was more comfortable. It was a beautiful day and we got to try out new hot chocolate made with coconut milk (I still prefer normal milk).