Ubuntu 9 on thumb drive

Currently if I work from home I have two options: remote desktop into my work machine and code from there, or work locally at home after syncing up my code. The problem with remoting into work is it's extremely slow and I can't use your full screen. The problem with working locally is when I'm going back to the office and my code isn't finished, it's difficult to sync the half finished code.

So I have installed Ubuntu Linux onto a thumb drive and will use that as my 'work' machine, and tote it back and forth to work. Now I can have my half finished work on the drive and either work from home or in the office.

Here are the steps I took:

  • Downloaded the Ubuntu ISO (install) and used these directions to install it onto my thumbdrive. I upgraded to the 4GB persistence file. You have to use the peristence if you want to save your customizations or installs from within Ubuntu

Went to coast to avoid the heat

We went down to the beach to try and beat the heat. On Saturday Ingrid and I went down to Oswald West, Sunday we took my mom for a horse ride.

Oswald West

Horse Ride

Keevin & Sylvia

Keevin and Sylvia are leaving for Kentucky for medical school. They will be missed, and they will be back.

Front Porch III

More deck work this weekend. We have the framing in for the deck, now it's time to put in joists. Someday in the far future we will get the decking itself put on.

Moto ride in Gorge

Ingrid and I went for a ride to the Gorge with my new saddle bags - no more backpack. I rode her moto from Larch Mountain back down to Crown Point. It's about the fastest thing I've ever driven, maybe not the van, but very fast.

Front Porch II

The deck work has continued. Last weekend we got all of the old porch out and this weekend we staked out the new posts and put them in. 40 bags of concrete later we are now ready for the joists.

4th July 2009

For the 4th of July we all went down to Gearhart to play with the dogs and snag candy in the parade. I rode down on the moto for my first freeway drive, which was on the scary side. Ingrid and her mom came down on Friday with the dogs. They got along with Simone's dog Hazel after a break in period. We all went to sleep before the fireworks started as we are old.

Front Porch I

We started on the new front porch by ripping out 6500 pounds of concrete that was the old one.

New Triumph

After taking the motorcycle class last weekend I went out and snagged a 2008 Triumph Bonneville.