Jack Johnson

Ingrid and I went to the Jack Johnson concert with JT and Anne. It was way over in St. Helens in some grass fields and we lucked out to have no rain. Ingrid had run into Jack on the MAX and he called her out inbetween songs. We screamed like idiots to get him to bring her up on stage, but he took off his shoes instead.

Karen's birthday

Karen's birthday was on Monday and she was playing at Kelly's Olympian downtown so we all went to listen to her sing. She's pretty bad ass and got some funnel cake or some such, it was really good.

Punchbowl Falls

On Sunday to escape the heat we went up to Eagle Creek and Punchbowl Falls. There were a ton of people, go figure, and the water was uber cold, go figure. It was nice to get out of the heat and we were back to complaining about it once we got back to the trail and headed back to the car.

Mt. Tabor soap box race 2008

On Saturday we went up to Mt. Tabor to check out the Soapbox Derby. The soapboxes were really cool and made us want to do it next year. I see us watching it again instead. I just picked up a new/used camera and here are it's first pics. It's not quite as fast or clear as the Canon cameras, but for $25 it's a good price and will do well for climbing.

Crater Lake

Ingrid and I went down to Crater Lake for the weekend. The van did a good job of getting us there and back with no issues. On Saturday we finished the drive from just outside of Oakridge to the lake. We hung out at a pullout on the rim and read and napped for the day. We camped that night just north of Diamond Lake at a horse camp that was full of horses. On Sunday we went back to the lake and rode around the loop on our bikes. It was around 35 miles and 3700 feet of elevation gain. We did it in under 3 hours, which is pretty good considering we were at 7000 feet and lazy.


Washington County biking

We all went for a ride near Cornelius Pass Road after work. First pics are from my new iPhone. Thus cementing my nerd factor.

Dan & Kate's party

There was a party for Dan and Kate going away to Boston. We know they'll be back.


I started doing intervals two times a week. It's completely horrid. I just snagged two intervals to do from Joe Friel's blog. I was planning on doing this for 3 weeks total and then switch over to different types of intervals. Wednesday is a 5 sets of 3 minute sprint/3 minute recovery. Friday is 3 sets of 5 reps of 20 second sprint/ 40 second recovery. This is one set of 3x20/40. intervals_7_25.png


Before the mtn bike race on Monday I rode out Skyline to Germantown and up Kaiser before going back to Germantown and PIR. THe course looked like lots of fun, minus the little kiddies.