We went down to the beach for the weekend to get away from the heat in Portland. On Saturday we hung out and those with bikes did some time trials down to the end of Cottage Street and back. On Sunday, we went down to Hug Point to check out the tide pools.
Mt. Hood Classic
This week the Mt. Hood Classic was racing downtown and on Mt. Tabor.Tuesday they raced downtown on the waterfront and the winner averaged 37mph. I barely hit 32 on my way home.On Wednesday they did around 20 laps on Mt. Tabor, averaging a speed of 26mph. Matt and I rode 4 laps on the same route on Monday. I thought we did quite well and our best time was just under 4:10. These guys did 2:45 laps. While they raced a hundred miles the next day, we had trouble riding to work.
New Van
On Saturday, Ingrid and I went up to Olympia to check out an '85 VW Westfalia Weekender. It looked pretty solid with a newly rebuilt engine and a few issues that come with 20 year old cars. We got the Weekender as it doesn't have the kitchen sink and such, as we don't see ourselves cooking that much and it'd be nice to have the extra room instead. It's a pretty nice rig and actually goes freeway speeds. It's going to the shop for a few days to get things touched up. I just ordered a new poptop tent and hangers for the curtains that are being dry cleaned. We also got a new futon ordered to replace the old bed in back.