Mt Aspiring

I went down to Wanaka to do a guided climb of Mt. Aspiring. The drive down was pretty and then there was a crepes stand in Wanaka that had Nutella. We took a helicopter up to the side of the glacier to hike over to Colin Todd Hutt where we’d use as our base camp.

After dumping our gear in the hut and claiming a few berths we headed up the route to set in some tracks. On the way my feet started to hurt a ton and I had to stop frequently. On the way down from our high point I pulled the plug as I wouldn’t be able to do a 12 hour day if my feet hurt after 10 min of climbing. The guide, also named Sam, called the helicopter service and booked a flight out for the next day.

We went back to the hut and lazed around and ate dinner while climbers streamed in to get bunks. The Kea birds were in full form and hunted around for anything left lying around - they sound like cats. In the morning after little sleep we geared up and headed back across the glacier for a flight out. We went from freezing weather in parkas to being on the valley floor in the heat in about 5 minutes.

I got more Nutella crepes.


Ninja Competition

Oscar did a Ninja competition at Ninja Kids and came in second in a few events and got an award with chocolate.


Turkey Day

Celebrated Thanksgiving with a few friends and Rachel’s mom. The pumpkin pie was a hit.


Rachel's 40th

Lowkey birthday for Rachel’s 40th. Mainly a cake made by her mom and Oscar.


Bushline Tramp

We went on our first overnight tramp to Bushline hut. It was a little hard going in, but then Oscar had a great time playing around with some other kids up there. M&Ms were key for the hiking.


Train to Sedon

There is an occasional steam train from Blenheim to Sedon. It was awesome. Oscar got treats and a new train hat.


Pelorus camping

Weekend camping at Pelorus Bridge up in the valley. Our first spot was just a place to park the car in some dirt, so we were able to switch to a nice grass spot for our tent. Camp sites don’t have tables or fire rings like back in Oregon. There is a large communal building with showers, tables, and stoves. It was pretty nice.


Halloween in Summer

Oscar and his buddies celebrated Halloween in the heat and went door to door to snag more candy. This town is so small we went to his principal and teachers home.


Dads Birthday

Dad was over for a few weeks and Oscar celebrated by making a cake.


Disco at school

Oscar’s school had a disco dress-up party, and he went as Vader.
