New Years 2008

Our exciting New Years consisted of having a fire in the cold and then going inside to watch The Departed after we ran out of flammable chain lube.

Christmas 2007

For Christmas I went over to my parents and opened gifts and then ate too many cinnamon rolls. That night Angel, Ron, Jami and John came over for dinner. We had ham wrapped in bacon with garlic inside. It was as good as last years. The following weekend Trey, Mary and Simone came up to Portland and Ingrid and I went over to my parents to open more gifts for Simone and have lamb. Ding got a new hat made by Mary. He says he likes it, even though he's an ice bat his ears get cold.

Peacock Lane

I took Ingrid to Peacock Lane to see the light up houses.


Ingrid put together a gingerbread house party for Kelly. Sara, May, Matt and Kelly came over and we all watched as Kelly and Ingrid made dough. May had a dope house, Sara made a cool shrunken head, Kelly and Ingrid made trees and skiis, Matt made an ice axe and I made a bowl that didn't come off the mold.


Sara came down this weekend to hang out with us. We went over to my parents house to make and eat Perogi. They're pretty easy to make when you have enough people stuffing the dough.

Christmas Tree

We got our christmas tree up and tried to sit it down for some pictures

Cyclecross Kruegers

This Weeks race was at Kruegers on Sauvie Island. It was pretty cold but clear and good conditions, at least compared to Hillsboro the previous week. I did better than last week even though I started at the back and had to make my way forward. Next race I'll start closer to the front. Both Matt and Ingrid did well again. Here is Ingrid running the barrier

Thanksgiving 2007

We went to the beach for Thanksgiving again this year. Ingrid and I went up Saddle Mountain to try and work up an appetite. It was really clear and cold and we could see all the way to the Olympics. Then Simone ate my last piece of pie.

Cyclecross Hillsboro Stadium

This weekends race was at Hillsboro Stadium. I thought it was time to get my ass kicked again so I raced as well. I put knobbies on my commuting bike and took everything else off to make it a little bit lighter. It was a pretty muddy race but lots of fun. It seemed it was over faster than last time and I had paced myself a bit too much and didn't push as hard as I should have. Now Keevin, he pushed himself and fell on his boys and nose. There are a few pics of him in pain. At the end I saw a guy was about 10 bike lengths ahead of me and tried to sprint and catch him but lost by a half wheel length. I think I pulled a Carl Lewis.