House offer

I made an offer on a third house last night. Maybe this time it will go through. I broke my realitor's record for number of offers made before buying a house.

House offer

This Wednesday I made an offer on a house over on the east side of Mt. Tabor. They're waiting until Saturday to review offers. I'm hoping it's not like the last offer where I make a pretty good bid and then someone out bids me by many thousand dollars.


I climbed a 5.10 route on Monday and did it again yesterday. I think it was actually a 5.10-, but that's good enough for me.

House offer

Yesterday I made an offer on a house on 10th and Failing. There were 3 other offers as of yesterday and the owner was reviewing them last night. I was hoping to hear back last night, but haven't heard anything yet. So I'll have to wait today and if nothing comes back I'll assume someone plopped down a larger offer. Well, the house didn't come through so I'm gonna have to keep looking. Someone must've way outbid me, and I had offered over $5000 more than the list. jeesh.

Breaking stuff at rock gym

Last night I was at the rock gym getting in a climb on a 5.7. Two thirds of the way up the route I was standing up on my right leg when the hold shattered and flew to the ground. I'm glad my belayer wasn't directly below me. After finishing the route and coming down the guy who made the route came by and brought a new hold. I got to go up again and take out the old bolt and put in a new hold. I didn't get to keep the broken hold, but I have a little shard that was remaining on the wall.


This weekend my little blog got hit by a spammer from a casino. They put little comments on each of my pages about blackjack and the like. I came across MT Blacklist, which is a Movabletype plugin that allows you to blacklist certain spammers from your blog, and to delete those comments. I had over 120, so it was nice to have a utility to do it for me.

Java De-Compilers

Yesterday I was working on some code and did a cvs merge and lost some of my code during a conflict. So I used a Java decompiler to get the source code for my last build. It had all of the code that I had lost so I could just copy the correct code back over. What was interesting was the type of optimizations the compiler made. It was either the compiler or the decompiler misreading the bytecode (I figure it's the compiler.) My original code had a while loop like this: while (iter.hasNext()) { SummaryObject obj = (SummaryObject); SummaryObject newObj = obj.newInstance(); newObj.setGroup(currGroup); newSummaryObjs.add(newObj); } While the decompiled code was: SummaryObject newObj; for(; iter.hasNext(); newSummaryObjs.add(newObj)) { SummaryObject obj = (SummaryObject); newObj = obj.newInstance(); newObj.setGroup(currGroup); } It looked like all while loops were turned into for loops. Interesting to see how the compiler would optimize things.


While checking around at to see what's new, I saw a link for this page passur. From their page you can view certain airports in quasi-realtime, watching as planes take off or land (it's delayed 10 minutes for security.) You can look at different ranges, from 4 miles to 90 miles, and see all the airplanes in the area, their height and type of aircraft. They even have a "replay" button that shows past days worth of flights.


We got some rain last night and it froze all over the place. Tonight on the way home from the bus I picked up the big chunks of ice and tossed them onto the ground to hear the large cracking sounds. I'm sure people in their houses appreciated it. I tried to take some pictures of the snow and stuff, but it's a little dark and I didn't remember my tripod, but here goes: street.jpg grass.jpg