Lamb Roast, RIP Chop

We had a lamb roast to celebrate Dan & Kate coming back home and to mourn Keevin & Sylvia going to the midwest for medical school. And to drink beer and eat lamb. My buddy John from Brown came up from SF and helped try and melt rock for roasting. I decided we could sleep in until 3am and then start the fire so the meat would be ready by 5. We had the beast in the ground at 9:30, and by 11 it was done. Next time we'll have to get a later start or a larger beast.

The lamb turned out perfect, especially if you like a hint of dirt in your food. It fell apart as we transfered it to the table, which the dogs loved. After we were full of lamb we moved onto contests of who could eat 6 saltines in one minute without water. We all failed at 3.


  • Three sawhorses
  • Portable vice
  • Plywood
  • Pegboard
  • Pegs for pegboard
  • Wood glue
  • Eyeglasses
  • Facemask
  • Masking tape
  • 220 grit sandpaper
  • Portable light
  • 25amp 20' extension cord
  • Square

Olympics with Sara

Ingrid and I went up to Sara's cabin in the Olympics to go mountain biking. We ended up eating Geoduck chowder, and muscles from their beach. We had a cool ride on the peninsula with a long up on logging roads and tons of sweet singletrack back down.

Rain in may

We had a kickass rainstorm with thunder and lightning (which dogs don't seem to like.)


Phil's Trail new Bike

We went down to Bend this weekend to get in some mountain biking at Phil's Trail. Ingrid had her new Gary Fisher bike that kicks ass. I took my helmet cam and got some shots during the rides. I'm still working on the video - trying to make it not lame.


For my birthday Ingrid invited some friends over and we grubbed on pizza and cakes from Saint Cupcake. I got a new cherry tree and a new Japanese maple as well. Plus Keevin and I drank some nasty year old champagne.