Trey ran his 5th or so Beaver Freezer. This year had great weather instead of cold and rain, it was just chilly. He placed pretty high this year. Afterwords we went back to his place and had cinammon rolls and played with the new dog.
Wilderness First Responder course
I took a Wilderness First Responder course at PSU the last weekend and week. It was a really in depth class and we got a lot of information. The coolest part was doing simulations of patients that were hurt or sick and we'd access them. In almost all of them I (and everyone else) would miss one thing or another that was critical. But after doing that I now remember what not to do again. So hopefully if the situation ever comes up I'll be prepared. We dealt with everything from Acute Stress Reaction (freaking out) to brain injuries requiring an evacuation.
Back surgery
When I met with the neurosurgeon we decided to go ahead with the back surgery. He said the MRI was a textbook picture of a disc bulge, so that's good I think. The surgery took 90 minutes and he ended up leaving the disc alone as it was ok and just removed debris and scar tissue. When I woke up the pain in my leg and back was gone and I was able to walk immediately.
I have some numbness in my toes and calf but they said this is normal as they moved the nerve around. Hopefully it'll go away in a week or so. I have gone for short walks down the block and back and they're pretty tiring. It'll be interesting to see if we can make it up any mountains this year in the spring.
Bulged Disc
Over the last year the back had felt pretty good and I hadn't had many issues. Last week it decided to kick in again. I've been taking various drugs like oxycodone, hydrocodone, some P drug and Tylenol with codine and they aren't helping too much. I'm not able to walk much, sleep or sit upright for very long. So I'm actually out of work for a few weeks and lying on my side.
This time I decided I don't want to go through PT and go for surgery. I just got the results back from yesterdays MRI and it shows the same issue as last year. I meet with the neurosurgeon on Tuesday and hopefully we get the surgery right afterwords.
Picture of last years MRI:

Sara's Birthday Weekend
Sara's Birthday was this weekend and I went out to Hood River to celebrate it with her and her sister MaryAnn. On Saturday we ate Cheezits and went cross country skiing at TeacCup Lake. We got lapped two times by one gal. But we had hot cocoa and sandwiches and she didn't. On Sunday we went up North towards Mt. Adams and skiied in the sun up to some ice caves. It was very cool and it'd be nice to go back there with some crampons and a helmet. It was a cool weekend hanging out and learning which muscles you normally don't use while skiing.
Angels Rest at night
On Thursday night I wanted to hike Angels Rest in the gorge and went up with Karen and Matt. It was uber windy and once we got to the top we had to walk on fours and crawl from rock to rock. We figured the gusts were near 45mph (with nothing to guide us besides being pushed over.) After some Cheezits and hot cocoa we headed back down.
Angels Rest and new camera case
I recently bought a new camera case called the Alpinist case for schleping my camera when climbing. As I'm in no shape to climb outside yet, I thought I would go up the grueling hike to Angels Rest to work off 2 Cheez-it crackers and try the case. It's designed to be used with one hand for climbing and such and after a bit I got it down and it's pretty slick. So it should do on my 5.2 climbs this summer.