Chris and I went climbing at the gym for a few hours. My last climb was up the stupid *** 5.11- that I keep failing on. So I was a few moves above what I normally do and I stepped up on a large hold which spun and I fell. I was thinking of beer so I didn't try again.
Anyhoo, Chris and I rolled over to Zach's Shack on Hawthorne to grab a few hot dogs. I got 3 dogs, french fries and 3 beer (not all at once). We're sitting outside next so a group of people and having a good time talking about whatever overweight balding white guys talk about. Then
I felt something hit my back. I stood up and looked at the guys behind us. They were looking at me so I figured *they* threw some crap at me. So I yelled at them "What the hell was that?!?" They said "an egg" and pointed to the egg on my back and the wall. Some ********* **tard through an egg at me on Hawthorne! I couldn't believe it. So It took off my shirt to show off the middle-agenish and get egg off of me.
The waitress came out and said "So, you have to wear your shirt." Like I was doing it to impress everyone on Hawthorne that I have love handles. I told her I got egged and she was all apologetic - not like it was her fault.
I continued to drink my beer with Chris and then Zach came out and apologized for the egg. I said it wasn't his fault and he said, "How about I buy you a shirt?" Who am I to say no to a free Zach's Shack t-shirt.
So now I'm a proud owner of an egg soaked climbing shirt (you want it?) and a new Zach's Shack T-Shirt. I am now a devoted customer to that place.


New Shirt!